Radhule Weininger, Ph.D., MD, clinical psychologist, and meditation teacher is the founder and guiding teacher of the One Dharma Sangha, as well as the resident teacher of mindfulness practice at La Casa de Maria Retreat Center in Santa Barbara, California. Her book Heartwork: The Path of Self-Compassion, with a forward by Jack Kornfield, was published in July 2017 by Shambala Publications.
Radhule has a full-time psychotherapy office, in which she sees individuals and groups. Integrating psychodynamic, Jungian, and Gestault psychotherapies, she is finding innovative ways to intermingle Western with Buddhist psychologies. For many years Radhule has guided and continues to guide both an ongoing dream-group, as well as an ongoing mindfulness psychotherapy group.
Radhule teaches a variety of seminars, from half-day to weekend to weeklong retreats, in which she makes Buddhist Mindfulness and Compassion practices relevant to 21st-century modern life concerns. Carefully, yet lightly guided meditations make mindfulness meditation accessible to all of us. Many of Radhule’s seminars provide CEUs for psychologists, MFTs, social workers, and nurses. Radhule is frequently hired by non-profit and other companies to teach their leadership and staff.
Radhule spearheaded with her husband Michael Kearney, MD the “Solidarity and Compassion Project,” whose vision is to nourish and sustain us in our attempt to support those who are left vulnerable within our society while discerning the values that we want to go forward with an attitude of integrity and caring. Solidarity and compassion Project events take place on a monthly basis at Trinity Episcopal Church in Santa Barbara.